Ancestor Journeywork at Samhain
I sit by my hearth altar, next to a painting of a cottage in a forest, and
go to visit an ancestor from so long ago she has no name. I think of her
simply ...
Dee Day - a new website, a new beginning!
*Announcing my new art website!*
Fast forward a few years to view the poetic essence of my art that has been
forged over the past th...
The Relics
*My grandmother ruffles through a box of material*
*that smells of mothballs. 4X4 squares*
*of old curtains, denims, dresses, ties, scarves.*
*Anything th...
The Wrecking Ball
“The only wishes that will ever change you are the kind that may, at any
moment, eat you whole.”
- Janette Rallison, My Fair Godmother
Time weaves her we...
New! Online Introductory Calligraphy Classes!
I'm super excited to announce that I've just created my first online
calligraphy class! It can be accessed here: **
The class is a h...
remembering the children
“… Of course we could try to forget the past. Why not? Is it not natural
for a human being to repress what causes him pain, what causes him shame?
Like the...
received in the inbox this week ....
"We are publishing a limited edition of a handmade book of facsimiles of
some fantastic hand lettered practice sheets...