Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Deep imagination.
The kind that
shows up in dreams
the anchors of our reality.

Floating in our sleep
images, near and far

new, unsought after,

A pathway to the soul
sometimes explicit

other times fuzzy.
Still important.

Now to connect
the inner world

to the outer one.
Breathe in deep
trust to imagination.

Soften to the soul
let it permeate life.

Open, be aware.
Last year's troubles
are behind you —

a new world is opening.

"What would you do

if you knew you 

couldn't fail?"

Start a blog  ; )

Click here to purchase as a greeting card.


Anthony Lawlor said...

Beautiful, powerful beginning. Fantastic!!!

Victoria Pittman said...

Beautiful Sherrie!

Melissa T said...

I love the artwork and the imagery evoked by the poetry is wonderful! More, please.

Melissa T said...

Wow, Sherrie. You really are a poet. Very moving.

Sherrie Lovler said...

Thanks all for such a supportive start.