"Where are you going?"
the rabbit asks me
along the way.
To a new land
where there is safety
in the unknown
Where I can fly
without taking
my feet off the ground
Where my life
touches those
I have never met —
and theirs touch mine
Where I can feel
beyond the depths
laid out in front of me.
Where I can appreciate
the vastness of this
world and leave a
tear as a sign of
my devotion
Where the stars guide me
and my soul knows the way.
"Who will go with you?"
she calls out
as she hops past me.
Those with the insight
to pull me up
when I fall
Those with a heart
deeper than my own
Those who can look
in my eyes
and share their souls
And those who call out to me
to give a hand beyond their own
to help with their next step
which neither of us know.
Fabulous poetry and images. Thank you for taking artistic risks.
Hi Sherrie,
I just started following you, please follow me too! Great to find you here! Russ just came in and gave me your blogspot address.
We LOVE your poetry, art work and calligraphy! Just beautiful!
Take care and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Russ & Audi
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